Pressure washing of the ledges

Sealing the brick walls

Painting the car wash area

resurfacing of the pool

Water leaks of the parking area

Tower C west side repair

Staircase and support pillar prior to repair

South side Tower C Envelope Remediation

Tower B tree Cutting

North Wall 2nd level

Envelope Remediation

Start of the replacement of the retaining walls of the walk way in from of 6631 Minoru Blvd
Start of the replacement of the retaining walls of the walk way in from of 6631 Minoru Blvd

Start of the replacement of the retaining walls of the walk way in front of Building B

3rd level parkade repair summer 2023 JD Maintenance

Eastern walkway in front of building B

Drew from JD Maintenance repairing the west wall that separates the parking from the patio area on the second level.

Preparing the "ribs" for painting